Monday, November 28, 2011

Product Review: Citadel Realm of Battle

Photo by Games Workshop.

I had the pleasure of gaming on not one, but two of these boards this weekend at the local Warhammer Fantasy Tournament held by Alien Worlds. These boards were prepared by Tom Taylor, and looked awesome to play on!

The first thing you notice when you see these boards is the detail. These things just look awesome. Throw in some flock or static grass and you have a gaming surface most dream about. These two tables at the Tourney were getting the most attention by passers by.

Looks get a 5 out of 5.

Construction on the boards are fairly simple as they snap together. You can turn the boards any direction and have a multitude of configurations with the built in hills. Not only is it modular, but its sturdy too. I didn't experience any shifting in the boards while we were playing at all. While the board is either a vacuum formed or more likely an injection molded hollow construction, the boards did not flex under the weight of the models.or our gear. This table will not support its own weight, so there must be a table underneath supporting it.

Construction gets a 4 out of 5.

Playing on the board is the only place I experienced any negatives with this product, and only with the hills. The fact that the hills are large and slightly exaggerated is what makes the hills look good, but when I have a rank and file unit on the hill, they have a tendancy to slide down the slope of the smooth hills. My non rank and file units did not have this problem, as they were not on a movement tray that was supporting the weight of the entire unit of miniatures(and I was using a 30 Orc block of the old style metal Black Orcs.)

Playability gets a 3 out of 5.

The price point is a point of contention for me personally at $290.00 retail. For that price though, you receive one of the nicest modular gaming surfaces available. All six 2' x 2' plates come in a carrying case for easy storage and travel. I have found this set as low as $235.00 from internet retailers with very minimal research.

Price Point gets a 3 out of 5.

Ending Rating: 4 out of 5.

If your looking for a modular gaming surface, right now this is the most deluxe play surface you will find. It looks good, wont break, and plays well. You just need some other terrain and your off to war. The only cons are the table must have a surface underneath to support the table, and that the hills are not great for rank and file units, but may be able to be fixed with a rough texturing glued to the surface.

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