Monday, November 14, 2011

Malifaux December Releases

Pic Taken from Wyrd Minatures

Hello Wargamers!

Here is the list and price points of all the Wyrd Miniatures December releases! Arcanists will be happy!

WYR1074 - Exorcist - Clamshell - $10.00
WYR3042 - Alternative Ramos - Clamshell - $10.50
WYR3043 - Avatar Ramos - Small Box - $28.00
WYR3046 - Alternative Rasputina - Clamshell - $10.50
WYR3047 - Avatar Rasputina - Small Box - $30.00
WYR5066 - McTavish - Clamshell - $18.00
WYR5067 - Sue - Clamshell - $10.00

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