Monday, November 14, 2011

Warhammer 40k Rumors: Tau and Chaos on the Block

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The rumor mills are churning with the idea that the Tau are next to be re-released for Warhammer 40,000 from Games Workshop. This has been slightly hinted at by some Games Workshop employees that he realease will be relatively soon, but this rumor is going against the pattern of releases which were Imperium, Xenos, Imperium releases.

Also in the Tau release, there is possibly a new race in the Tau Empire forces called the Demmiurg, which may be a close combat addition to the Tau force. Not much is known about these at this time. Also, the Vespid may have a new unit it the army as well. We will see when it gets closer to release date.

In Chaos news, Chaos will most likely be the first hardcover release for Warhammer 40k 6th Edition next summer. Rumors state that there may be two seperate Chaos Codexes and may contain the rules for Traitor Legions.

Thats all for Warhammer 40k rumors for now.

*** UPDATE ***
There will be new battle suits and a new dropship. As well as an immobile heavy weapons platform. And a medium sized assault skimmer.

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