Tuesday, November 15, 2011

San Antonio Malifaux League: Today is the Last Day!

Photo by Wyrd Games.

According to a post on the Gaming Garage Facebook group, today is the last day for Malifaux All Hallows League games. According to Kevin Allen on the group: "

Malifaux league, closing announcement:The Malifaux All Hallows League is drawing to a close. Tomorrow (Tuesday) will be the last day to play games and have them count for the league. I'll be at DL, so if you want to show up and get a last game in, and turn in your score sheets, that would be great.

Assuming I don't get them tomorrow, if everyone could please leave their score sheets with their respective stores, I'll start going around and picking them up come around Thursday or so. Assuming I can get sheets from everyone, I'll announce winners and prizes over the weekend.Hope everyone enjoyed the current league! There's been some interest in running a holiday tournament, probably using the special holiday encounters. A likely date for it will be the 17th of December, but I'd like to ask people to soft-RSVP for it. It's a busy time of year, and it would help the setup a lot if I knew we had people interested. Other than that, I'm going to give things a break for the holidays, and look at starting the next league towards the end of January. I'm working on a different format for the next one, so keep an eye open."

Hopefully a Victor will be crowned this weekend, and there will be a Tournament scheduled soon. Consider me RSVPd for the tourney, and hopefully we will bring you coverage of the tournament.


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