Monday, November 14, 2011

Warmachine: Lock and Load Badges go on Sale at 2pm EST

Photo from Privateer Press.

Lock and Load, Privateer Press' premier event for their products will be going on sale today at 2pm EST.

From "Lock & Load badges will go on sale in the online store today at 2 p.m. PST! The ultimate event for all things Privateer Press, Lock & Load will be held June 1 – 3 in Seattle.

There are two ways you can get your badge. The first is to have them shipped to you. To choose this option, simply purchase the “Lock & Load 2012 Badge Shipped” product from our online store. This option includes 3 days of Lock & Load and allows you to register for all available individual events. It also includes shipping fees, and we’ll send your badge to you approximately one month before Lock & Load. This option is not available to international attendees.

The second option is to pick up your badge at the event. To choose this option, purchase the “Lock & Load 2012 Will Call Badge” product from the online store. Like the first option, this one also includes 3 days of Lock & Load and allows you to register for all available individual events. Your badge will be available for pick up at Lock & Load registration on Friday morning.

Badges are limited, so act soon!

For more information visit the Privateer Press Online Store.

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