Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Warhammer News: Ogre FAQ and a Few Rumors

The new Ogre Kingdoms FAQ is due out this week. Reported in the FAQ is that Iron fists do not allow you to put magic armor on your Butcher.

Also, Empire rumors are ramping up a bit. In the new Empire write up it seems that Mortars will be using the small template instead of the large blast. Thats a huge change for the Empire. But theres give and take.

Its also rumored that the pantheon of Warhammer gods will be available to the army. The Empire will be able to have a War Alter, Knights, and Warrior Priests dedicated to Morr, Sigmar, and other gods worshiped by humans in the Warhammer world.

Thats all ive got for now. Coming soon I will have my first battle report with Orcs vs Lizardmen. With the holiday season there hasnt been much news, but Im looking forward to the first of the year when companies start getting back on track with their release schedules!


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