Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Project Log: Stormraven by Kerstan Copeland

Photos by Kerstan Copeland

I worked for a few hours on assembling this model (this bugger has a LOT of pieces and came with no instructions)... it is a good sized model and I really dig the sculpt...

This Stormraven model from Games Workshop comes with a LOT of options. Instead of just building the model ONE of the myriad ways it could be built I am "magnetizing" it. That is to say, I am using rare-earth magnets to make it so that the model can look any of the many ways it is designed to be built. This is pretty much the last stage before priming the model... magnets and "green stuff"... good times...

I am into the home stretch on the model. I attached the wings and the engine sub-assemblies tonight as well as several other details. The top turret is ready to go and I've assembled most of the optional weapons systems that this kit has... soon I'll be ready to paint!

I started this project more than a week after the current League started at Dragon's Lair. The League wraps up this coming Saturday (2/5/11)... so I have less than a week to get a LOT of painting done! East bound and down...

The Stormraven model has great big areas for painting on the wings... it is time to do some freehand painting! These are my sketches for what I might paint on the wings... I went through several ideas before I came to the two I want to use.

It's the largest model I've ever put together (116 components) and it came without instructions. I've really enjoyed the challenge of working on this model and I am happy to be in the home stretch... only 4 or 5 steps to go...

The frantic pace of my painting continues... D-Day minus two! I gottaa have thbis bird ready by Saturday... "East bound and down, loaded up and truckin'..."
Well, it is D-Day Minus One and I'm calling this model finished... almost. If it were warmer I'd put the dull-coat spray on it... that'll have to wait until it warms up. Other than that, I'm done fiddling with this sucker! This has been a fun model to assemble and paint...
- Kerstan Copeland

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