Monday, November 14, 2011

Warhammer Rumors: New Wood Elves list in Playtest at GW

Pic by Unknown, maybe GW artist?

Rumor has it from a semi-trustworthy source that there is a new Wood Elf list in Playtest at Games Workshop. For those that dont stay in the rumor mill, it is said (not proven yet) that GW playtests new lists against a mythical Playtesting Vanilla Army that stress tests possible release candidates.

Rumors on the new Wood Elves are that Dryads are to become Rank and File units, and Wardancers will be support for rank and file units. Dryads and Treekin may be able to mix units together, and the fcous on the army is heavy shooting.

As with any rumors, this may or not be true as this has not been confirmed by any official sources or releases. This is a very early rumor and the final release candidate list may not look anything like the rumors suggest. I expect to hear more the closer the list gets to full production.

There are a lot of other armies that may be getting the 8th edition treatment before the Wood Elves. As it is rumored that Vampire Counts and Dwarves may be the next two fantasy armies released. But as we are at the end of quarter, Games Workshop usually takes a break from major releases until the beginning of the year.


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