Monday, November 28, 2011

Product Review: Citadel Realm of Battle

Photo by Games Workshop.

I had the pleasure of gaming on not one, but two of these boards this weekend at the local Warhammer Fantasy Tournament held by Alien Worlds. These boards were prepared by Tom Taylor, and looked awesome to play on!

The first thing you notice when you see these boards is the detail. These things just look awesome. Throw in some flock or static grass and you have a gaming surface most dream about. These two tables at the Tourney were getting the most attention by passers by.

Looks get a 5 out of 5.

Construction on the boards are fairly simple as they snap together. You can turn the boards any direction and have a multitude of configurations with the built in hills. Not only is it modular, but its sturdy too. I didn't experience any shifting in the boards while we were playing at all. While the board is either a vacuum formed or more likely an injection molded hollow construction, the boards did not flex under the weight of the models.or our gear. This table will not support its own weight, so there must be a table underneath supporting it.

Construction gets a 4 out of 5.

Playing on the board is the only place I experienced any negatives with this product, and only with the hills. The fact that the hills are large and slightly exaggerated is what makes the hills look good, but when I have a rank and file unit on the hill, they have a tendancy to slide down the slope of the smooth hills. My non rank and file units did not have this problem, as they were not on a movement tray that was supporting the weight of the entire unit of miniatures(and I was using a 30 Orc block of the old style metal Black Orcs.)

Playability gets a 3 out of 5.

The price point is a point of contention for me personally at $290.00 retail. For that price though, you receive one of the nicest modular gaming surfaces available. All six 2' x 2' plates come in a carrying case for easy storage and travel. I have found this set as low as $235.00 from internet retailers with very minimal research.

Price Point gets a 3 out of 5.

Ending Rating: 4 out of 5.

If your looking for a modular gaming surface, right now this is the most deluxe play surface you will find. It looks good, wont break, and plays well. You just need some other terrain and your off to war. The only cons are the table must have a surface underneath to support the table, and that the hills are not great for rank and file units, but may be able to be fixed with a rough texturing glued to the surface.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

After Action Report: Alien Worlds Fantasy Tourney

First of all I would like to thank Alien Worlds on San Pedro and Tom Taylor for hosting the tourney. The scenarios were great fun, and I was amazed at the prize support from Alien Worlds. Great tourney all around.

Here is my Army List from the Tourney. I was playing Orcs and Goblins:

1 Orc Warboss @ 216.0 Pts
     General; Choppa; Great Weapon
     Armour of Destiny [50.0]
     Dawn Stone [25.0]
     Potion of Strength [20.0]

1 Orc Big Boss @ 139.0 Pts
     Choppa; Great Weapon; Light Armour; Battle Standard
     Rampager's Standard [55.0]

1 Night Goblin Shaman @ 110.0 Pts
     Magic Level 2; Little Waagh
     Dispel Scroll [25.0]

1 Orc Great Shaman @ 285.0 Pts
     Magic Level 4; Big Waagh; Choppa
     Staff of Sorcery [35.0]
     Ironcurse Icon [5.0]
     Talisman of Preservation [45.0]

58 Night Goblins @ 327.0 Pts
     Netters; Shield; Spear; Standard; Musician

     1 Night Goblin Boss @ [10.0] Pts

     3 Fanatic @ [75.0] Pts

28 Black Orcs @ 428.0 Pts
     Heavy Armour; Standard; Musician
     Razor Standard [45.0]

     1 Black Orc Boss @ [15.0] Pts

1 Rock Lobber @ 85.0 Pts

     3 Crew @ [0.0] Pts

1 Rock Lobber @ 85.0 Pts

     3 Crew @ [0.0] Pts

1 Arachnarok Spider @ 290.0 Pts

     8 Forest Goblin Crew @ [0.0] Pts
          Spear; Shortbow

1 Mangler Squig @ 65.0 Pts

39 Orc Big 'Uns @ 395.0 Pts
     Second Choppa; Light Armour; Standard; Musician

     1 Orc Boss @ [15.0] Pts

1 Pump Wagon @ 75.0 Pts
     Giant Exploding Spores; Spiky Roller

     1 Snotling Crew @ [0.0] Pts

 Additional Casting Dice: 0

 Additional Dispel Dice: 0

 Models in Army: 153

Total Army Cost: 2500.0

Game 1: Orcs vs. Dwarves
 My opponent was Bill Taylor and his dwarves. I was first amazed the low number of models in his army, that was until he deployed his warmachines. Organ Guns and Cannons were on the menu. Fortunately I had accounted for this in my army list by taking horde units. But this was also countered by Bill's own dice which his cannons failed to wound my Arachanarok and even some goblins. My rock lobbers also managed to take out his general with a failed look out sir roll. I won the game by a Minor victory, mostly because I didnt get shot to pieces before I got to him.

Game 2: Orcs vs. Lizardmen
The Lizardmen were played by Kerstan Copeland. I knew going into this that the Cold Blooded rule was going to be a problem. The scenario rewarded you for making challeneges, and challenge I did. My Warboss was tooled for challenges. So I threw my Boys up against his temple guard and my Black Orcs against his 40 man block of saurus. The first turn my Goblins failed animosity,  which ultimately helped me in the end, as he got close enough in combats for my fanatics to deploy which tore up his saurus block before combat even began with the black orcs. My Arachnarok took out a unit of Salamanders and a unit of kroxigors. Venom surge had been doing well all day and continued to do so against all multiple wounds models. The game ended in a draw.

Game 3: Orcs vs. Daemons of Chaos
 Daemons were commanded by James. I knew this game was going to rough, mainly due to his Greater Daemon of Nurgle leading the force. Right away I lost my Mangler Squig, Archanarok, and Pump Wagon. I ended up taking down a unit of Bloodletters, but not before losing my BSB to a killing blow. My Black orcs were locked in combat until turn 6 with plague bearers, where the combat was ended by the Greater Daemon of Nurgle in turn 6. Nurgle had sealed my fate, and the game ended in a Major Loss.

But the best part of it all was that I had fun even when things were not going my direction, and thats because of having great people to play against. I think it was a day well spent.

Steve Schifani took 1st with Best Overall with High Elves
Bill Taylor took 2nd with Best Army and his Dwarves.
I took 3rd place with Sportsmanship.
Oscar Barela took the New Dice Award with his Beastmen.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Warhammer: Vampire Counts book not available to retailers

The Vampire Counts army book is no longer available to retailers from Games Workshop. This pretty much confirms all rumors about the upcoming Vampire Counts re-launch.  Which will most likely be in January, since nothing is listed in the December issue of White Dwarf.


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Warhammer Rumors: Warriors of Chaos in Q4 of 2012

Picture by unknown.
The known order of releases for Warhammer is currently Vampire Counts, then Empire. But now we can put Warriors of Chaos in the order as rumors are now stating that they are slated for release almost a year from now. Since Games Workshap takes time off from major releases in November and December, this release will most likely see the light of day in October.

With this release Chaos players may finally be getting some plastic Dragon Ogres, a plastic Warshrine Kit, plastic Forsaken, Im sure there will be some sort of large combo kit monster. 

Thats it on the rumor front for now. It seems like theres very little news on the Warhammer 40k front. But keep checking back!


New Warhammer Expansion due in December!

Photo by Unknown.

In the new issue of White Dwarf, a new 96 Page hardbound Warhammer expansion is detailed for releaase in December. The expansion is to be titled "Blood of the Badlands" and specifically contains rules for Siege battles. These rules include pots of boiling oil to pour on enemies from the ramparts, or breaking down the enemies walls.

The book also contains rules for fighting battles underground in dwarf mines or skaven tunnels.


Monday, November 21, 2011

Confirmed: Warhammer December Releases

Above is the Jabberslyth, Cyghor, and Ghrogon models. The Cyghor/Ghorgon model is a combination kit. Below is the Mangler Squig Model.

Thats all for now.


Friday, November 18, 2011

Forgeworld Newsletter 288

Forgeworld issued a newsletter today! Below is the details:

"Hi there,
            In this week’s newsletter we’ve got details of a new Phantom Titan weapon option and a new Eldar special character which are both now available to pre-order, as well as a reminder of our Christmas shipping deadlines – phew! Read on for more…
Eldar Phantom Titan Power Glaive
Eldar Phantom Titan Power GlaiveThe Phantom Titan is the mightiest of all the war machines fielded by the ancient and advanced xenos Eldar. Towering above the battlefield, these cyclopean war machines are commanded by a single Steersman, yet this single crewman does not pilot his charge completely alone.
Assisted by the spirit stones of long-dead Steersmen, the living pilot is able to merge his consciousness with those of his predecessors, allowing the Phantom to react and manoeuvre with nearly the same preternatural swiftness as an Eldar infantryman.
For a Phantom to be deployed the threat must be dire indeed, and the weaponry of these mighty Titans varies depending on the nature of the foe they will face. When ranged against enemy super-heavy walkers a Steersman will commonly arm his Titan with a 
Phantom Power Glaive, a long and shimmering sword similar in appearance to those wielded by Eldar Aspect Warriors, using the Phantom’s speed and agility to close with and destroy their opponents.
Designed by Will Hayes, the Phantom Power Glaive is etched with Eldar runes to draw doom upon its hapless opponents, and also features a twin-linked Starcannon. This weapon, like ourPhantom Pulsar and D-Cannon, can be mounted on either of the Phantom’s arms. This full resin weapon is available to pre-order now for despatch in the week commencing 28th November.
Irillyth, Phoenix Lord of the Shadow Spectres
Irillyth Phoenix of the Shadow SpectresOnce a disciple of Asurmen, first of the Eldar Phoenix Lords,Irillyth the Shade of Twilight founded the Shrine of the Shadow Spectres on the Craftworld of Mymeara. Drawn to the small Craftworld in response to a vision of doom and horror, Irillyth gifted the skills of stealth, swiftness and all-consuming firepower to the warriors of Mymeara. After many years, the Phoenix Lord led a great war host to the legend-shrouded world of Bethalmae to destroy a race that would, many thousands of years later, arise to threaten Craftworld Mymeara. Neither he nor any of his warhost ever returned to the Craftworld, and with the loss of their Phoenix Lord the Shadow Spectre aspect fell into decline.
Irillyth, Phoenix Lord of the Shadow Spectres is a lavishly detailed resin character designed by the talented Simon Egan. Portrayed in a suitably commanding pose and armed with his ancient weapon, the Spear of Starlight, full background for this resurrected Phoenix Lord will be featured in Imperial Armour Volume 11: The Doom of Mymeara. As an exclusive preview,experimental rules for Irillyth can be downloaded from the Forge World website.
Irillyth the Shade of Twilight is available to pre-order now for despatch in the week commencing 28th November.
Christmas Order Deadlines
It’s getting to that time of year again. The nights are drawing in, shop windows are filling with tinsel and baubles, and here at Forge World we are busily processing orders and shipping kits so that they’ll reach you in time for Christmas.
As always the Customer Service team are standing by to assist with any and all enquiries you may have - from product availability and hobby advice to helping to explain the difference between a Titan and a Dreadnought to a confused relative. We can be reached on 0115 916 8177 within the UK, 011 44 115 916 8177 from the US and Canada, and 00 44 115 916 8177from much of Europe.
It’s always best to place your order early to avoid disappointment, and with this in mind these are our last order dates for pre-Christmas delivery. As always, these dates are subject to change and stock availability so if in doubt, call us.
Standard Delivery:
Thursday 1st December – Australasia, Asia, Far East (including Japan), Africa, the Caribbean, South & Central America, APO addresses and static BFPOs
Monday 5th December – Eastern Europe, USA and Canada
Thursday 8th December – Western Europe
Tuesday 13th December – UK and Operational BFPOs
Express Delivery:
Tuesday 13th December – Worldwide
Thursday 15th December - UK

Ead Brown
Customer Service Manager
Forge World"

Warhammer Tournament News: San Antonio

Art by Unknown.

In addition to the 2500 point tournament this Saturday at Dragons Lair (See Older Posts for info,)  next Saturday, November 26th, Alien Worlds on San Pedro will be hosting a Fantasy Tournament.

When: November 26th, 10:00 AM
Where: Alien Worlds - San Pedro Location
Cost: $10

2500 Points Painted armies. Prizes for best army, favorite opponent and best over all.

Standard exclusions apply. No named lords, no power scrolls, no book of Hoeth.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Warhammer 40k Rumors: Black Templars Are Next 40k Release

Picture by Unknown.

     So Black Templars are the most likely candidate for the next release according to online rumor mills. This rumor is backed up by the pattern of releases Games Workshop has established of Imperium, Xenos, Imperium as the Necrons were the last release. Rumors have stated that the Black Templars update was finished just about the same time as the Space Marine release, but GW has been holding them in reserve to match the release schedule. After Black Templars will most likely be Tau.

     Plus with the upcoming release of 6th Edition Warhammer 40,000 keep an eye out for little details in the Black Templar codex for things to come. As with the Necron codex a distinction between "Ignore Armor Saves" and "Power Weapons" was noted on the descriptions for a few weapons.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Warhammer Rumors: Vampire Counts next Warhammer Release

Artwork by GW.

Rumors are swirling the net that Vampire Counts are the next army release from Games Workshop. Rumors are stating that there are several kits and changes on the way the Vampires from Sylvania.

Flesh Golems may be among the new unit types. They may be possibly a large based unit like trolls. This may be a dual kit to build another yet unkown unit.

The Black Coach kit will be a combination kit, for what we dont know yet. Black Coach/Corpse Cart perhaps?

A new sculpt of Krell has been spotted. The Terrorgheist obviously will be included. There may be a new Black Knights kit included in the launch. More details will follow once we get closer to release and rumors get confirmed.

Launch of new Vampire Counts is expected in January.


Warhammer Tournament: November 19th in San Antonio

Pic from Facebook Event.

When: November 19th @ 11:00am
Where: Dragons Lair San Antonio
Cost: $5.00

The tournament will be a standard 8th Edition Warhammer Fantasy tournament with Thanksgiving themed scenarios. You can RSVP at the facebook event site: Warhammer Fantasy Turkey Shoot

Take lots of pictures! I wont be able to make it due to a previous commitment and short notice. But have fun!


Warhammer 40k: Christmas Deals on the Way!

Photo from

It has been confirmed that Games Workshop will be releasing 2 Warhammer 40k boxed army deals, Dark Eldar and Space Marines, along with the Skaven and High Elves Army Deals for Warhammer.

Contents of the Dark Eldar box: 1 Reaver, 1 Ravager, 5 scourges, 9 Jetbikes, 10 Warriors, 20 Wyches, and 1 Venom

Contents of the Space Marine Megaforce: 2x 10 man Tacticle Squads, 5 Scouts with sniper rifles, a Drop Pod, a command squad, a Land Speeder Storm,  a Commander, a Land Raider, and a Dreadnought.

Photo from

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Project Log: Stormraven by Kerstan Copeland

Photos by Kerstan Copeland

I worked for a few hours on assembling this model (this bugger has a LOT of pieces and came with no instructions)... it is a good sized model and I really dig the sculpt...

This Stormraven model from Games Workshop comes with a LOT of options. Instead of just building the model ONE of the myriad ways it could be built I am "magnetizing" it. That is to say, I am using rare-earth magnets to make it so that the model can look any of the many ways it is designed to be built. This is pretty much the last stage before priming the model... magnets and "green stuff"... good times...

I am into the home stretch on the model. I attached the wings and the engine sub-assemblies tonight as well as several other details. The top turret is ready to go and I've assembled most of the optional weapons systems that this kit has... soon I'll be ready to paint!

I started this project more than a week after the current League started at Dragon's Lair. The League wraps up this coming Saturday (2/5/11)... so I have less than a week to get a LOT of painting done! East bound and down...

The Stormraven model has great big areas for painting on the wings... it is time to do some freehand painting! These are my sketches for what I might paint on the wings... I went through several ideas before I came to the two I want to use.

It's the largest model I've ever put together (116 components) and it came without instructions. I've really enjoyed the challenge of working on this model and I am happy to be in the home stretch... only 4 or 5 steps to go...

The frantic pace of my painting continues... D-Day minus two! I gottaa have thbis bird ready by Saturday... "East bound and down, loaded up and truckin'..."
Well, it is D-Day Minus One and I'm calling this model finished... almost. If it were warmer I'd put the dull-coat spray on it... that'll have to wait until it warms up. Other than that, I'm done fiddling with this sucker! This has been a fun model to assemble and paint...
- Kerstan Copeland