Thursday, December 29, 2011

40k Rumors: More Tau

So as we get closer to the possible Tau release, more rumors.

-Demiurg Unit(s)
      This would mark the return of Squats to the 40k universe since their last release in 1994 for Epic.
-New Heavy Weapons on Fire Warriors
-Kroot get upgraded saves.
-New Kroot HQ
-Maybe some humans
-New unit for the Vespid
-New Vespid Weapon
-New Plastic Vehicle kit(Most likely Barracuda.)

Thats all for now!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Forge World New Release: Fimir Warriors

The Fimir have finally found their way back into the world of Warhammer. We knew that Fimir models wound be too far away with the monster entry in Storm of Magic. There is no price point set on the models as of yet.


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Space Marines getting new vehicle: 40k Rumors

Currently it is rumored that the Space Marines are to get some kind of new vehicle. Some say a tank that is supposed to be in between a Land Raider and a Predator, but the most likely candidate is some kind of flier.

It is a completely new vehicle design, so it wont be the Storm Raven. Some suggested a plastic Thunderhawk, but GW has stated previously that they will not be cloning any more Forge World designs.

Thats it for the rumors!


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Warhammer 40k Rumors: Eldar

A few rumors are out now regaurding the Eldar launch coming up in 2012. There are quite a few changes coming as this release is due before the 6th edition launch in June.

Storm Gaurdians are going to be changed to an 8 man minimum per squad. This brings their squad minimum in line with what is currently boxed in the model set.

There is also rumors of two new Aspects making an appearance. Nothing is known about these yet.

Plastic releases are to include a Vampyre, Dragon Riders, Solitare, and a few more undisclosed Aspect Warriors.


Warhammer News: Ogre FAQ and a Few Rumors

The new Ogre Kingdoms FAQ is due out this week. Reported in the FAQ is that Iron fists do not allow you to put magic armor on your Butcher.

Also, Empire rumors are ramping up a bit. In the new Empire write up it seems that Mortars will be using the small template instead of the large blast. Thats a huge change for the Empire. But theres give and take.

Its also rumored that the pantheon of Warhammer gods will be available to the army. The Empire will be able to have a War Alter, Knights, and Warrior Priests dedicated to Morr, Sigmar, and other gods worshiped by humans in the Warhammer world.

Thats all ive got for now. Coming soon I will have my first battle report with Orcs vs Lizardmen. With the holiday season there hasnt been much news, but Im looking forward to the first of the year when companies start getting back on track with their release schedules!
